MedStandard is a global regulator in the medical business
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The certificate is a document confirming the fact of state registration and permission of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan with regard to the right to use a medicinal product, a medical device and medical equipment in medical practice.

During state registration (re-registration) and making changes to the registration dossier in the Republic of Uzbekistan, medicinal products undergo procedures for confirming their quality, safety, and efficacy.

Biologically active additives (dietary supplements) are preparations that belong to specialized food products with bioactive substances of natural and /or identical to natural origin, as well as probiotic microorganisms in the composition. Dietary supplements are intended for consumption with food or introduction into the composition of food products.

During state registration (re-registration) and making changes to the registration dossier in the Republic of Uzbekistan, cosmetic products and materials for cosmetology (hereinafter referred to as “CPMC”) undergo procedures for confirming their quality, safety, and effectiveness.
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Office 216, City Line Office Building, 1A, 9 Abdulla Kakhkhar Passage, Yakkasaray District, 100022, Tashkent
Office 407, 408, Building 2, 23A Avtozavodskaya St., 115280, Moscow